

You and your life could be like the current of a river effortlessly flowing going over, around, under and through everything that traverses your path. The river has many treasures to share with you as it supports along your course of life. 10 minutes of the deepest rejuvenation for the body, mind and soul.


Are you a chrysalis or a caterpillar? This is a journey into the depths of stillness inside cocooning, wrapping the self in layers and layers of iridescent light. Deeply nourishing and preparing the body to morph into awakened vessels of light.


Free yourself form self-sabotaging fatigue and access the universal life force filling your body to overflowing and feel the electric crystal energy pulsating through every fiber of your being.


Extinguish thinking and drop into Feeling, Sensation and Touch. Go on a feeling odyssey and explore the sensual world of the body. This journey assists the listener to 'rewire' the predictable neural pathways out of thinking and into Being and feeling.

True Nature

Get out of your mind and come to your senses!

Time to Come Home

Listen to this journey when you are feeling depleted, disconnected, or alienated. You are directed to dive deep into the earth and give it all to Mother Earth who returns to you connection, life force, and energy.


This is a relaxing journey to connect with the body pharmacy and its innate ability to make the chemicals of bliss. Listeners report feeling deeply soothed, safe, connected and full of bliss:)!

Soul As Sovereign

Am I sovereign, or am I slave? Are you listening to and activating the will of your soul or are you caught up in constant power games losing energy to habits, vices and devices? It's a moment to moment choice…

Stop, sense, stay and listen is the mantra of your soul.

Be Your Own Hero

You are the person you have been waiting for all of your life. You are the leader, the change maker, the path finder. Create your own movie starring YOU as the Hero!

Choose Love

This is a gentle journey, a reminder, a calling from the depths of you to remember that all you are is love. Listen to this journey when the noise of the mind is strong and you are feeling somewhat stressed and reactive and have temporarily lost your way. This is one way home to the truth of You.

The Call

Answer the Call and know that you are READY and saying YES to living your REALITY with brave love and leaving the fearful false fake self behind!


What choices would you make today if your were living fearlessly, sitting powerfully in your heart centered awareness? 3 Powerful words are the bridge to you living your full embodied truth.